How to register for the Vocational Meeting?

In order to participate in the vocational meeting on August 4th in Tor Vergata, each group must be registered.

To register your group you must be registered to the site.

Group Registration for the Vocational Meeting

Once registered and received the confirmation email, the group leader will be able to access the site with their credentials and proceed with registering their Group for the meeting as follows.

    1. access the site iubilaeum2025cnc.it,
    2. enter the "Reserved Area" in the top right menu
    3. choose “Login”
    4. Enter the user code and password indicated during registration
    5. enter “Vocational Meeting” in the top menu
    6. press the “Registration and Group Management” button
    7. confirms being a group leader
    8. enter all the requested data in the "vocational meeting registration form" and press "Confirm" at the bottom of the page

Or, once logged in, go directly to the page https://www.iubilaeum2025cnc.it/incontro-vocazionale-registra-gruppo-form/, enter all the requested data in the “Vocational meeting registration form” and press “Confirm” at the bottom of the page.

You will receive a registration confirmation email.

During the month of February the functions for recording the contribution paid and registering the Bishops will be activated for the group leaders.

In the month of July Each group leader will receive access passes to the meeting and bus parking passes.